
Bruno and Tyebjee

1. Capital availability

2. Free enterprise

3. Social reinforcement

4. Protestant ethic

5. Knowledge and information availability

6. Competition

7. Individual rights

8. Public communication

9. Personality (individual predisposition)

10. Infrastructure availability

11. Demographic pressures (e.g., sprawl, migration and population)

12. Forces of nature

13. Human pressures, higher order needs, wants and desires

Venture capital availability

Presence of experienced entrepreneurs

Technically skilled workforce

Accessibility of suppliers

Accessibility of customers and new markets

Government influences

Proximity of universities

Availability of land or facilities

Accessibility of transportation

Attitude of area population

Availability of supporting services

Living conditions




Note: Falcone's are a synthesis of research, literature analysis and class discussions. The Bruno and Tyebjee (1982) list is based on Gartner, AMR, (1985, p. 700).
