Today entrepreneurship is an intriguing and important topic, and it has been throughout recorded history. Entrepreneurship is distinguished by a managerial style that produces unique and fresh interrelationships and outcomes in our organized socio-economic existence. We have known that entrepreneurship is a vital and desirable type of behavior as far back as prehistoric times; yet, we are still trying to define and understand how, when and where it is distinctive. The history of the study of entrepreneurship has considerable literature, which emphasizes the importance and uniqueness of the entrepreneurial style. As we integrate systems approaches into the study of entrepreneurship, we are recognizing that fragmented perspectives do not advance the field. Rather, it is expansive approaches that seem to delineate this most pure and powerful understanding of this unique management style - this purest and most powerful form of management, which strives to advance profit and progress to new levels, needs to be studied at all levels.

Discovery in organizational science is never-ending because humans have advanced organized systems that are complex, contradictive, changing and infinitely connected, and above all changing. Man’s curiously and desire for progress has encouraged humans to be progressively inquisitive. Once we discover something about organizations, then we have to discover how it works, then we have to discover how to influence it, then we have to apply what we learn to change it and maximize it; and once we change it and maximize it, we have to start all over again to catch up with someone who has forged something new somewhere else. About that time, something changes on its own. That’s just the nature of the study of human organization, and that is why the entrepreneurial style is so important to study and nurture. One of the last frontiers for science involves the more systematic discovery in social space, particularly social-economic space, which is so crucial to progress and survival. It’s going to take forever to genuinely discover how extremely complex and dynamic concepts like entrepreneurship fit into man’s perfect future and how entrepreneurial management can be systematically and effectively used to give us ultimate progress. Forever is a long time! We better get started!!
